Monday, September 29, 2008

excercise no. 3

it's fast work in there. there is a line up of too many people that are all in separate important rushes, clutching drinks that sweat ice water over their knuckles, or, depending on what time of day it was, leak scalding sugary drops over their thumbs while they count their cash. the walls are lined with fridges now, cold on the inside but humming electricity and heat into the store. the heat, the coloured lights and the music blaring are caffeinated enough for me. standing on a pivot, turning from customer to cash register, blurting thank-yous and have-a-nice-days without thinking and trying to get through the line in the ten minute rush that occurs every hour, i always get dizzy from moving too fast and forgetting to look at people's faces. today i made seven sixty three in tip money.


Andrew Remington Bailey said...

you paint a vivid picture. i know and hate the cafe rush. also i am jealous of your tips

coffeebreath said...

i like it. i'm glad you mentioned those fridges and the tip money. good balance of important versus not-important-but-still-important-because-it's-there details.