Wednesday, June 10, 2009

that body of yours, that i leave all alone (ex 4)

two people come out of a building. she's upset, her posture curled. she's trying to protect herself. the fingers on her right hand are circled around her left wrist. her eyebrows are pointing down, her mouth is set in a straight line and she's looking at the ground. he's talking, moving his eyebrows too much, shrugging shoulders. they are in the middle of something. as they walk down the street you can tell that he's saying something important. she holds her left wrist, her elbows jutting against her waist, her messenger bag hitting her hip. his hands are in the air, the steps he is taking are far apart. a man with a stroller comes down the street and she moves to right and he follows behind her single file. when the stroller is past them she keeps the same pace, walking with her shoulders hunched, and he has to quicken his pace for two steps to catch up. but his rhythm hasn't actually changed, he is still talking and moving his hands.
this is the problem with young people. they fall in love and make plans with each other but they are supposed to be selfish. she is supposed to go to graduate school for biochemics, he is supposed to move across the country for an architecture internship. but still his hands are moving and her mouth is closed in a thin straight line and their hearts are both beating a little quicker. they walk down the street trying to find a place in the sidewalk where they can both have what they want. the sun catches on her hair, the wind presses his t-shirt to the muscles in his chest.

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